Never Leave Disney World

Never Leave Disney World

Disney has finally figured out a way to make sure their customers never leave! They have officially built and sold family mansions within the area of the park. They will be the only home owners to ever have a home within the Disney property. Special privileges will be awarded to the owners and their families making sure, that they always have a special time at their new home. The gated community will take a few more years to complete but some owners have started to move in or use it as a vacation home. Check out the link !

John Lewis Christmas 2013 Advertisment

‘Tis the season – the new John Lewis Company Holiday commercial has been making its rounds around the internet because of it’s heart warming message. I just love the advertisements that shy away from the everyday comity and during the holiday season, trigger our hearts. This is defiantly an advertisement that reaches deep within all of our hearts.

P.S there might be tears involved.